The virus can be removed with the HyperTalk editor alone. The following procedure gets rid of the virus and ensures that it is gone. You should disinfect your Home stack last.
In your Home stack set the User Level to 5
(Scripting). This is done on the card before the Home card itself. In each infected stack, select “Stack Info…” in the “Objects” menu. Click on the “Script…” button in the resulting dialog box. You are now in the HyperTalk editor.
Click the ΓÇ£FindΓÇ¥ button and enter ΓÇ£on openStackΓÇ¥ in the dialog.
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Select and delete all of the virus code. It is well commented and easy to spot. Click on the ΓÇ£OKΓÇ¥ button to save the modified script and close the stack. Do NOT open it again until all stacks (including the Home stack) are clean, or you will reinfect it.
Regularly check your Home stack after running a stack to be certain you disinfected all your stacks.